Grizzley Meets Cookie

Here is Grizzley meeting our kitten "Cookie" (short for Cookie Monster). Within one week the two of them chase each other periodically. Cookie has caught on to the run and chase game. While Grizzley is busy doing something like chewing on a bone, Cookie jumps from something high and lands in front of him. Then she takes off at full speed across the room jumping back onto something high. Grizzley gets so flustered when this happens. He jumps up and tears off after her every time. When she jumps up to safety, she looks down at him with a laughing glance. It's a different version of the Charlie Brown and Lucy football game. NOW what Grizzley needs to learn is the "leave it" command. Being introduced to other animals is a part of this training because we don't know if the new client will have other pets. These dogs need to be able to behave themselves - at least with cats because they are the most common.
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